

 Why We Give



We believe that giving itself is an act of worship that honors God and embodies his care for the needs of the world. We are generous in our giving because He has been so generous to us. We understand that all that we own is the Lord’s!


Ways to Make a Donation to CMPC

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    Online Giving

    Simple and secure. Give a single gift, or schedule recurring giving using your checking account, debit, or credit card.

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    Text to Give

    Text any dollar amount to 719-582-4445 and follow the link to a quick, self-guided account setup. After the initial setup, donating is as easy as sending a text.

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    Give by Mail

    Checks can be made out to Cheyenne Mountain PCA and send to the church office at:

    4450 Westmeadow Dr.
    Colorado Springs, CO 80906

  • offertory bar

    Give in Person

    You can also give in person at Sunday worship during the offertory time.

Missionary Support



We believe the Scriptures welcome us to declare God's glory and works so that all people can glorify God and enjoy Him forever. As those who love the resurrected Christ, we live in a way that asks questions that only the gospel can answer so that all nations can know Christ and do the same.

Further we are invited to strengthen and encourage the disciples of the faith so that they can persevere through hardship and enter the Kingdom of God.

The Missions strategy at CMPC is developed in obedience to Scripture. Jesus says that he will build His church, and that nothing can withstand its extension. This strategy is an intentional plan of where we believe God is calling CMPC to partner with Him in extending his love and grace.

1 Chronicles 16:23-24, Isaiah 11:10, Ecclesiastes 3:11, Matthew 28:19-20, Acts 14:22


Support is more than a financial commitment


Our missions team has taken on a variety of responsibilities for the mutual edification of our congregations and the missionaries we support. Under the leadership of the elders, they do this in three main ways:



  • Teach on the goal and purpose of missions.

  • Share about who we support and what is their work.


  • Lead congregational prayer for and with missionaries.

  • Manage missions budget, oversee policies and procedures


  • Correspond with and visit missionaries.

  • Call the congregation into the vision of all people glorifying God and enjoying Him forever


Overall, CMPC Missions priorities include planting churches and any activities that support and grow the church. While keeping a balance of local and cross-cultural ministries our top priorities are equipping and training leaders and giving to ministries in strategic geographical locations such as Northern Africa, Southern Asia, and the Middle East.

For more information on our missions team contact Scott Sage, (719) 439-1271